Can you help secure 30% of space for wildlife in Bristol by 2030?

Can you help secure 30% of space for wildlife in Bristol by 2030?

Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

It is no secret that wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate and the threat of climate catastrophe is a constant worry. Bristol has even declared a state of ecological and climate emergency. There is still hope for us to fight back against these twin emergencies, but we must act now. Time is running out. Together with organisations across Bristol and surrounding areas, we are working to ensure that at least 30% of our land and sea is connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030.

We have a solution

The aim for Bristol’s One City Ecological Emergency Strategy is to ensure at least 30% of land in the city is managed for the benefit of wildlife by 2030. This means securing new land to protect wildlife through purchase, gifts and working in partnership. This new land will help to deliver nature’s recovery by creating bigger, better, more joined-up habitats. This is known as a Nature Recovery Network, allowing wildlife to move, feed, breed and thrive freely through our landscape.

Our dedicated nature reserves, such as Brandon Hill and Bennett’s Patch and White’s Paddock on the Portway, are unique and special habitats. We want these habitats and their wildlife to flow into surrounding urban spaces, allowing nature to recover on a city-wide scale. To help make this happen we will work with other businesses and organisations across the city to create new habitats for wildlife wherever possible. This may involve creating new nature reserves but could also mean putting up window boxes filled with wildflowers or bird boxes to encourage nesting birds in urban areas.

By joining our mission for nature’s recovery, you will make a real difference to wildlife and our natural world. Every pound donated will help achieve our collective vision for a wilder future. Together, we can bring back the iconic hedgehog to green spaces. We can create pollinator corridors throughout the city to get Bristol buzzing again. And we can work as a community to reach the aim of restoring 30% of land and sea for wildlife by 2030.

The aim is to bring back nature everywhere, including the places where people live.

Can you help put nature into recovery today?

Why not make a donation today!